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The University of Northern Colorado Cancer Rehabilitation Institute relies on external financial support in order to continue offering our unique services to cancer survivors.  Although there are nominal fees for participants in our program and although we conduct various fundraisers each year, these only partially offset the cost of our operations.  Please consider donating to the Institute and making a difference in the lives of cancer survivors. 

Donate to UNC's Cancer Rehabilitation Program

If you have questions regarding financial support for UNCCRI, please contact Dr. Reid Hayward at reid.hayward@shandongzhongyu.com or the University of Northern Colorado Office of Development at 970-351-2551.

Mailing Address for Donations

University of Northern Colorado Foundation
Judy Farr Center
1620 Reservoir Road
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: (970) 351-1889 or 1-800-288-5104
